Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Our Memorial weekend was fun. I got to hang out with my friends and some family. Saturday my mom and I went to Mercer Park for an exhibit on bamboo that is where the pictures came from. Then Sunday we went to the lake left the little monk with grandma and I had good adult time. The food was terrific, water was nice, and I managed to keep myself from getting to burnt. My skin only knows two colors red and white there is no happy middle. Thanks J for taking pictures. Here are few of them:

What a great day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Creative Road Block and Frustration

My brain is a swimming pool of creativeness. However I am starting to get really frustrated. I feel like I woke up one morning with a small case of amnesia. I feel like each day I am losing a part of me slowly. Its almost as if I am forgetting who I use to be and what I am capable of.

My brain is swimming so fast. I keep coming up with new ideas that keep me sidetracked from what I really need to be doing and nothing is getting done. I dont want to wake up one morning and feel like I wasted the perfect opportunity to do something really wonderful for myself and my family.

I love being at home and not working but at the same time I feel like I am not pushing myself hard enough to succeed at my business. I feel like I am fading into a world where I soon will have forgotten just what I set out to accomplish.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Some Random Pictures

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to share some random pictures that I took with my video camera. I was shocked at how well they came out. Take a look at them.
I really like the color of this flower.

I love the yellow looks like some put a light right in the middle

I just loved the water lilies. They were so beautiful.
This looks like a good idea for a really cool lamp.

This one is really pretty as well

I like this one I just get lost in the picture when I look at.
Lillies, Lillies, Lillies
Hope you guys enjoyed these pictures.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Just a tid bit about life

Well I have to say that this weekend was much better than lately. We had a nice relaxing fun filled weekend. My nephew had a birthday party he turned three. He looks just like my son only a little thicker( He is the one in the red shirt). The party was at Old McDonald Farm. It's a place where they have a petting zoo, swimming pool, lots of slides and swings, and sand mounds for them to make sand castles. The weather was great so the kids didn't turn into krispy kritters unlike today. Then after that we played lotaria (not sure if I spelled that right) Mexican Bingo. It was fun I won three times. I actually had an enjoyable time at my in laws.

Since I have not been working at CAM my life seems to be getting back to normal. I am happier and less stressed. My family even noticed the difference. I laugh again. I didn't realize until now how much that job was changing my personality. Now I just need to get in gear and find something that keeps me in touch with the world. I am working on my own business again, plus helping my mom with her new investment. I have so many ideas flowing through my brain that it sometimes is hard to keep up. I get lost in new ideas that I don't finish the old ones. Sometimes I have to give myself a big kick in the butt to get me going. I think once I get adjusted to being home I will be able to get a lot more accomplished.
My mom made a comment the other day that really hit home. She usually doesn't complement but analysis everything. She had told me that she was happy I wasn't working at CAM anymore because my whole smiling bubbly personality had disappeared. She told me that I was the one that always brought her spirits up when she was feeling down. She told me that I always kept a happy outlook on life even when it would hit me hard, but lately it was gone. Now the old me is coming back. It really made me feel good that I brought joy to her even when I was just being me. I have to agree that I was becoming someone I didn't like.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursday Blahhhhh

I went grocery shopping today. I found out that Thursday around 2 is not I repeat not a good time to go. I have never seen so many people during the week at walmart. It was worse than the weekend after church. This is a pic of my little Monk. I wish I could say we had an enjoyable time today but we did not. By the time we made it half way through shopping I was ready to pull my hair out. I have to say him staying home full time has really changed him. He has become very sassy and bossy. We are working on this problem right now. Not sure if its the age or the being home. We have been having a good time though for the most part. The weather has been quite nice allowing us to spend a lot of time outside. We put up a hammock and the Monk seems to really enjoy. I have to drag him out of it. I am working on some new projects that I will post about once I get some of them done.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

1st week off

Hi Everyone,

I am new to blogging. My friend "J" told me that I need to start blogging. Here is just a tid bit about me. I have just become a stay at home entrepreneur mom. I have put my faith in God hoping I have made the right decision. I own a company called Yummy Tummy Treats. I had to put it on hold for a job that I use to work for. If you ever want to learn about people work for an HOA company. All I can say about that is OMGosh. :( . Now I am back and going forward with my own company. I have a wonderful husband that is good to me and a wonderful little boy. Plus a very supportive Mom.

A little bit about Yummy Tummy Treats. I make gourmet dog treats and cakes. I also host dog birthday parties, dog weddings, yappy hours, and cater dog events. You can check out some of my products on The website is not that great yet. I will be working on it now that I have time to.

I hope to meet a lot of really neat and interesting people on here.