Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Something New

Ok I am tired of looking at the depressing post on my site when I pull it up, sooooo I am going to write about something else.

I am going to give blogger ville a run down of some movies that we have watched recently. Saturday we took the little monk to see Space Chimps. I highly recommend you to wait until it comes out on video. They show most of the funny parts on the previews. It didn't keep Monks attention very well. I am sure when it comes out on video we will eventually buy it.

The next movie that we watched was Rocky. Yuck. To bloody and gross for me. Sugarbear liked it. Defiantly a guys movie. This one will probably make it to our DVD rack only because of my husband. It is really gross

Spiderwick chronicles was a good movie. I let my 3 year old watch it. I really think that it is suited for a little older crowd. The Monk enjoyed it and wanted to watch it again. He enjoys movies with dragons, goblins things like that. I know a little twisted for such a young viewer. This one was nothing compared to Beowulf. He really liked that one.

Bank Job. What to say about this. It was weak. That is really about all I can say about it.

That's about it for movies today.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


This is a post a little out of the normal but I just cant seem to shake it. Let me give you the low down of what is going on. A person I know has just found out that his wife has been cheating on him for a few years now. What a shock. I really feel sorry for the children they have together. I am sure they are the ones who will hurt more from the divorce than anyone. He has become very depressed and will barely talk to anyone. It is just sad.

The reason this is weighing on my mind is because they seemed so good together. He comes from a very religious background. His wife volunteers at the YMCA. He has a very good job. There life seemed so perfect and happy. I have to say I was shocked not of the cheating, but of the person doing the cheating. I really would have figured him to have cheated. Some of the comments he makes and just how he acts I really would have thought him to stray. I am just puzzled.

It seems lately that women are becoming more and more of the ones who are cheating what is going on with the world. I am very worried about him.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

"J" Bouquet Contest

I almost missed out on the contest posted for our friend "J" I have been checking periodically to see if anyone else has blogged lately and didn't see anything. Last minute about 8pm I checked and found this contest. The rules are to make a wedding bouquet for "J". The catch is that you couldn't use flowers or plants.

Since her wedding is a beach wedding I used shells, ribbon, and tulle. Unfortunately my photo taking skills really suck. The bouquet is actually much prettier in real life. Having said that I still posted the pictures for the contest. "J" I want you to know that I burned my self, I cut myself, and even yelled at myself. But every minute was worth it for you.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Give Aways

There is not much going on in my world today so I decided to do a list of give aways for everyone to check out. Make sure to have friends and family check it out. I have ran out of time to add to this post so here is a few and I will do another one soon. If you register for any of these giveaways be sure to include where you heard about them. Thanks. Enjoy.



